Congratulations in order for reader Jmassif, who correctly identified the 26 hot blog topics in Friday's post. In fact, he's so goddamn sexy he found a 27th bonus reference, that being "angular". Hot. Felicitations, Jmassif. You are the winner of the IRONY SWEEPSTAKES!!!!!!!
Please accept this "hyphy trophy"...which is actually just a discarded L'il Jon crunk juice cup that I covered in glitter.
I'm pissed off today. All music pisses me off today. Occasionally one must choke on the spoon that feeds us. It's abnormal to NOT have a gag reflex.
We can all be idiots, it's true. But stuff and shit is cool. Nathan Barley, a great show from the UK helps us keep Vice Magazine culture in perspective.
So I went to the restaurant with my kid sister last week, in search of a decent cheeseburger. I'd heard there was a great place, the new rave of all the gourmands in town. Not your usual tourist trap frequented by Americans in loud apparel. A bona fide, undiscovered hipster joint. So we headed towards the dirty south end of town. No crystal castles here, just a lot of bums, and VNDLSM on the walls. The decor of the bistro was...interesting and featured a large sculpture entitled "The Spirit of Williamsburg"...a monkey playing the drums..some sort of simian mobile disco, it would seem. It was quite beautiful and obviously created by someone with talent, a master of the craft. Stunning. After a long wait, sis and I were seated by our server in an angular, modular banquette. I order the cheeseburger. "You have your choice between two sides, Aoki leaf salad, which has tons of vitamins for you...or the hot chips." I chose the latter. After a long wait, our food eventually arrives at our table. Villains! Where's the fuckin' ketchup? M.I.A. Nowhere to be found. So I yelle over to our waiter "yo, quit fuckin' with the presets on your iphone and get me some some ketchup you daft punk! My side of fries ain't gettng any warmer, here!" At which point he offers me a mayo/fresh herb mashup instead. Now, while a lack of mayo for your hot chips would usually cause a riot in Belgium, I was all "WTF..I ain't dim, Mack! If there's any justice in this world you'll go get me some fucking ketchup!" The server seemed rather confused by this, and instead offered me a dessert menu featuring glass candy and some kind of flan with peaches in it. At this point, I just gave up completely...took my poor aching 'ed, banged it on the the table..paid my bill and left.
I gotta say, though, the burger was pretty hyphy.
HISTORY LESSON: SO YOU THINK WE INVENTED SYNTH PUNK? Well, we didn't. The Screamers did. Well, they might not have invented it, but they sure did it well. RIP, Tomata Du Plenty.
WHO THE FUCK IS COBRAPANTS ANYHOW? All shall be revealed...eventually.
This blog is dedicated to the forward momentum of music and culture, and increased social credit without sacrificing integrity. MP3s posted on this site are for the promotion of good artists. Please support them by going to their shows, spinning their tracks and buying their music. Got love? Got complaints? Holla at: