David Lee Roth puts nuts in mouth, almost diesJoe Bosso, Wed 9 Jul, 3:09 pm BST
David Lee Roth
Aw, nuts!
David Lee Roth is famous for what comes out of his mouth, but the Van Halen vocalist almost died recently for what he instead put into his mouth.
Roth was reportedly pulled over for speeding in Ontario, Canada last month when officers noticed the rocker was having a medical emergency. As it turned out, Roth was suffering from a severe allergic reaction to nuts.
An ambulance was called and Roth, who at one time worked as an EMT, was taken to a local hospital, where he was treated and released. The officers are being credited with saving Roth's life.

I got a soft spot in my heart for David Lee Roth. He brings the rock like none other. "Classy" isn't a word that comes to mind when discussing his vibe, but in the whole Van Hagar debacle, he's the only one who displays it. Anyhow, super glad this happened in Canada (land of higher taxes but free healthcare!), cause..if it had been in the US...well, no guarantees, eh? Anyhow, anaphylactic shock is a shitty way to go, someone go get that rock icon a zebra striped beribboned epi pen already!