I got REALLY drunk at a DJ gig last week and left the power supply for my laptop at the venue. How unprofessional, I know. What's more pathetic is how I've been rationing my internet time watching my battery drain slowly..slowly. But whatever. I got my shit back, we're all good.
I need glasses. I can't see for shit. It makes for some embarrassing moments. But I'm on the case. Right now I'm all about
Super Eyewear. Pretty clunky/eighties/douchebaggy but classic. I can't resist. Having a hard time deciding between
The top pair are called "Aspen"...and that blue fade is sick, but the "Crystal Nerd" is appealing for so many obvious reasons.
Even though they come in a classic black, I'm gonna opt for total geek hotness with an additional pair of frames in a Cat's Eye shape. I once had a bitchin' pair..sadly they were damaged when I got into a fistfight with a bum. I stumbled across this vintage online store and omg if some of these aren't the best ever.
Play this loud and unleash your inner Sex Nerd.