Can you hear the sound of the ice cream truck?????
Here in town, it's like the second coming of Christ....just like the last second coming of Christ when Justice was here recently. But yay! A scene explodeth! CYOA was a big bloggy hit last year, and Hearts Revolution are riding that wave to infamy. Awwesome. The "Switchblade" EP is out in pretty pink vinyl in limited release, so get it now, little Coconuts!
London Daily Telegraph reports that Amy Winehouse has been arrested after a man claims she "headbutted" him...
"A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: "A 24-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of assault after attending a central London police station by appointment. She is currently in custody."
The singer, dressed in a grey mini-skirt and with her trademark beehive hairstyle in place, arrived at Holborn Police Station shortly after 5pm flanked by minders and representatives.
However it later emerged she was unfit to be interviewed when she arrived. A police spokesman said last night: "The doctor has seen the 24-year old woman and has said that she is not fit to be interviewed.
"That means that we cannot deal with her for at least four hours and until the doctor has seen her again." Wow, they're SO nice to fucked up British pop stars over there. I hope she gets off the hook, because can do she any damage with that cushion of hair? In fact, buddy shoulda kept his mouth shut, grabbed the illegal booty that likely fell outta it and been happy with that.
Poor Amy. Here's to happier days. This is a vid of Amy getting her ass handed to her by the vocal stylings of Charlotte Church. You know if Charlotte Church is outsinging you, Girlfriend, it's time to fuckin' lay down the pipe.
Upon hearing "Devo" reminded me of Mount Sims who...totally lost the plot after a stunning debut, sadly. That's a shame. Let's remember the good old days of Hatefucking.
Really, I tend to avoid bad Australian, Dutch, German and Swedish dance music. There's something about the tooty sound of a Nord synth that makes my flesh crawl. I've been wanting to put the boots to E-Type and Scooter for YEARS now. Anyhow, during a random youtubing with Cobrapants associates, we found Basshunter's "Boten Anna" video. This version includes english subtitles, and while we do not think it is right for North Americans to make fun of other languages, combined with visuals and subject matter, I just can't fucking help it.
According to NME, this track "conquered Europe". I can see why. Like the "Crazy Frog" franchise, it makes me want to lay down and die.
So, Kavinsky played here the other night. Sebastian was also to share the bill, but bailed and was replaced by the..not so great Ultra Violet. Reviews were....mixed. But whatever. I liked Kavinsky before and that's not gonna change. Why? It seems some kinds of music just never go out of style. Thank god! I wanted to take this opportunity to jump into the wayback machine and trace the evolution, post Kraftwerk'cause..we ALL know about Kraftwerk, right????
Jean Michel Jarre...Equinoxe...1976...MARVEL at the hundreds of keys and satin shirt. This is a gear fetishists' wet dream.****update****the original 1976 vid was removed so you'll have to do with a 1981 performance.
Next up is our man Jan Hammer and "Crockett's Theme" from Miami Vice circa '84. I chose this version because it's been remastered, sounds great, and has extra explosions and Don Johnson content. I care!
It's 1999. A young Cobrapants is obsessed by Dutch Electro, Bunker Records, Clone Records, you name it. Shortly thereafter, Ghostly puts out a comp and I am DJing this at the local rock club, trying to convince pouffy haired, MAC makeup smeared glam rockers that this is the new shit.
2008. The masses finally get it. And they said it would never last...
The mp3 I'm gonna leave you with is by an artist named Cursor Miner, who could be considered the UK version of Kavinsky and is somehow, criminally overlooked. His albums "Danceflaw" and "Cursor Miner Plays God" are must haves.
Brooklyn Vegan reports that Matthew Dear had his hard drive stolen during his recent gig at NYC club Galapagos. There is always great comedy to be found in tragedy, as this was no ordinary tech theft...the evil and ballsy bandit made off with Matthews hard drive...DURING HIS SET WHILE HE WAS USING IT.
"Matthew, who was celebrating his birthday yesterday, had been playing a killer set for 2 hours or so. Suddenly he got a message on his computer saying that his hard disk drive was unplugged...
The music stopped, he checked and found out that the drive was actually missing... basically someone STOLE his hard drive in the middle of his set and ruined the all show!!!"
That sux. Especially since, Cobrapants has been to Galapagos and it seems like such a lovely place.
I'm sad. I need something to cheer me up. Hang on.
Dammit, Cobrapants has been living on the edge so long...the edge feels dull. When I need a good whetting, I go backwards.
YMO are basically..the Japanese Kraftwerk. A little more organic, and coloured with Asian sensibility, as opposed to Teutonic frigidity. Plus they had a chick in the band. Bonus points there. A WEALTH of youtube info and footage exists..these are some of my favorites.
Cobrapants is a bit obsessive over analog synths, and seeing that kind of live's hot.
It's time to get righteous. All the best music is floating around in blogtown and Gangbangaz were kind enough to put the bestest of the bestest all together in one handy package with their first mix for the masses.
I used to work at a record label. We'd get all kinds of crazy shit from crazy people. I got a few tucked in my back pocket for a rainy day. But not today. Today is a special day. I gotta thank Mrs. Roper, totally rockin' friend of Cobrapants for letting me share this with you.
I can't put it any other way. It seems like all the cool bands are buying themselves cotton crew neck sweaters in muted tones and delving into Paul Simon's "Graceland" and old Television albums.
Some do it better than others. Vampire Weekend are the American contingency and latest pretenders to the throne. Disclaimer: The Song "A Punk" is not very punk.
When I saw this video...something told me that I had seen it...BEFORE. It bugged me all night until I realized it's a fucking WANG CHUNG video.
Cobrapants recommends you frame both in your screen together, play both at the same time and make your own video mashup!
Foals are from Oxford, UK. These are the downcast gloomers of the bunch, and have adopted the twiddly sound to a Cure/My Chemical Romance "Egads, I've just been cockpunched" vibe. If you think it sounds is. The song "Electric Bloom" contains the following examples of spectacularly cliched lyric writing at its finest. "all I see is marching bands" "dying kings" "it's just another hospital"
Lastly, Norway's Datarock Okay, I'll admit that the first time I heard "Fa Fa Fa", I thought it was an LCD Soundsystem jam. And if you haven't heard of these guys, well, you'd better turn in your decorative PLO inspired neckscarf, you're out of the club. I saw Datarock live a few months ago, and they were SO. FREAKIN. TIGHT. I thought it was all canned. But it wasn't. This twiddly guitar affair puts Cobrapants in a good headspace...I see white beaches, blue water, a potent drink with an umbrella, maybe a coupla phatties...this is a feel good track indeed.
Thanks to Bigstereo for posting this first, but as a bona fide fan of the track, I gotta follow suit.
I pilfered "Sweaty Wet" G.L.O.V.E.S remix and it's been a staple in my DJ sets for months now. Hurrah! Finally! A vid for the original (and solid) version. Sure, it's low budget, suuure, it's just a party vid with neon clad people hopping around but whatever. It's effective. Not everyone is rockin video budgets like Kanye these days. Besides, it keeps the focus on what we call in blogtown A MIGHTY FUN BANGER.
This morning I woke up to a new CNN report that bloggers are dropping dead from overwork and stress. Puhleeze. Besides ass piles, sore fingers and the occasional funny bone sprain...people will find anything to whine about. Newsflash. Work is hard. Journalism is hard. Entertaining people is hard. Boo fuckin' hoo.
But not today. There's oh, soooo much to talk about. Like... The Juno awards! Oh yeah, they got awards up in Canada too, eh? Alls ya gotta do is sell about 300 copies, fill out a form and send in a fee and you too can be Juno nominated! Surprise, surprise Feist took Single of the Year, Album of the Year, Pop Album of the Year, Artist of the Year and Songwriter of the year. All well deserved, it's just too bad it takes a move to France and an Mac commercial for people here to "get it". And "get it" they have! Seems every single ad campaign now has a "Feistalike" singin' the jingle. Ohh dear.
Avril Lavigne performed her tired single "Girlfriend" and indeed, looked about as bored as everyone in the audience. I wish I had a pic of how bored that audience looked. If I didn't know any better, I'd have sworn they were cardboard cutouts. Or zombies.
Another fingerwag at the Juno committee. What's UP with the big nasty pile of oil drums on the stage for set design? Yes, oil comes from Western Canada. We know that. Too bad most of what's being pulled out of the oil sands are going...south. And too bad the Oil Sands project is tantamount to one of the greatest man made ecological disasters...ever.
Good show, Calgary! It almost made me miss the good old days of
Muuuusic...muuuusiiick. Congrats go out to Deadmau5, who picked up a Juno for best Dance recording.
My handy info updater informs Cobrapants that crazy serial killer Charles Manson (you know, the guy on all the T-Shirts?) has released a new record. At first, I was all, WTF?! They get recording rigs in lockdown? Charlie's running Garageband on a hand me down Mac? At any rate, it's pretty lo-fi, consisting of Manson singing while accompanying himself on acoustic guitar. I'm sure some clever fool will likely do a mashup/edit and throw some beats under it at some point. Anyhow, for all you folk purists out there (a HUGE portion of the Cobrapants audience, no doubt)...or those of you into crazy music by outsider freaks...(Ah! Got you there!)
Well, it's news by now that Supermodel Naomi Campbell was hauled off a flight and arrested for assault...again. I said elsewhere they should lobotomize this freak and then she'll behave like the good l'il clotheshanger she should be. Cobrapants does not advocate violence in any forms, but wonders why nobody has put this byotch in her place yet. Remember, self defense isn't a crime! GRRRRRRR!!!! NO COKE MAKE NAOMI AAAANGRRRRYYYYYYY!!!!
This punchy themed post also gives me the opportunity to throw up a track by France's The Shoes. They are delightful.
Their track "Knockout" is like...the Rocky theme song, if it came out on Ed Banger records. Tense guitar noodling, big smashy hits, hollered boxing references a plenty. I guess this is what would happen when if you denied the French their wine and they got upset. I think the original version on their myspace is tops, but the version currently floating around on (surprisingly few) blogs is the 80Kidz remix. 80Kidz MySpace Which...also sounds alot like something on Ed Banger. That being said..don't hate...congratulate, cause this is definitely a standout and top notch track. I give it two clenched bloody fists up!
So yesterday I engaged in a lively discussion about some of the worst videos on youtube. I must admit, I enjoyed many of them. On so many levels. The first offering for consideration is "When The Rain Begins To Fall" by Pia Zadora and Jermaine Jackson. In this vid, Pia appears to be held emotionallly captive by a bunch of scooter riding, white towel wearing Eurotrash new wavers from Ibiza with bad attitudes and cool sunglasses, and it is Jermaine's job to rescue her. Innntense.
Satin pajama pants? Bad robot dancing? Mid 80's funk sluts? Flashing lazers? The floating head of Tubbs from Miami Vice? This could truly be the best video ever made. Yet somehow, it is not.
What's interesting to note is that if you compare this vid with Snoop's vid posted yesterday...they're not that dissimilar in style. Yet one works does not. It's just that Snoop magic, ya know?
Chrrrist almighty this album is awesome. Cobrapants likes albums that take you on a trip, there's not enough artists out there these days willing or able to take that risk. Snoops 9th album takes us from smooth, to hyphy epics ("Life Of Da Party"), to old school Prince inspired jams, to and it's a wicked song...and some plain old fucked up awesome production on tracks like "Let It Out" and "Gangsta Like Me".."Staxxx In My Jeans" is fuck-off good. I'll have what Snoop's smokin'.
It took like, an extra week for Sexual Seduction to whap me over the head, oh but has it ever. Fuckin' sweet video.
Surely you've heard it. Or of it. Much debate rages about this tune. Let's have a listen, shall we?
Now, usually I'd be all up and into this kinda thing. Nobody supports strong willed foul mouthed female musicians more than Cobrapants. Buuut, there's just something about this track that bugged me...and I couldn't put my finger on it. A lot of people are touting this tune as the ultimate in feminism. I don't see it. To me, it's a crying shame that she HAS to smell Playa's dick. The sad little piano lick and plaintive whine of Riskay makes it even more pathetic. See, MY song would go more like "If I Got Reason To Smell Yo Dick I'm Taking The Houses, The Cars, The Bank Accounts Or At Least Fuckin' Yo Ass Up. Permanently."
Much better song, I think. At any rate, it's been signed by veteran Danny Glass, who brought us artists like Vanilla Ice, Kittie and Baha Men. I see the connection here.
It seems appropriate to post a novelty song, on this First Day of April, so enjoy your Riskay...
I'll be over here listening to this instead...
ixft.J-Cast_A-Clay_LeeMajor_.mp3 What A Fool Believes (Chew Fu Hustle Song Refix) J-Cast, A-Clay & Lee Majors vs. The Doobie Brothers
This blog is dedicated to the forward momentum of music and culture, and increased social credit without sacrificing integrity. MP3s posted on this site are for the promotion of good artists. Please support them by going to their shows, spinning their tracks and buying their music. Got love? Got complaints? Holla at: